quinta-feira, agosto 18, 2016

Perhaps the thing I like the most in pop music is its power to synthesize feelings and emotions in a simple and well done piece. It's like getting a shortcut to a long distance walk, using those three minutes to express deep territories that goes from joy through sadness, sometimes both condensed in the middle of a sweet voice combined with a great melody. Basically, I believe that pop music, specially the one made in the 60s, is a psychological instrument. You can get really sad with that special song. You can feel absurdly happy with that other tune. You can dance like hell with some sweet soul music, or feel extremely angry with that great punk classic. You can feel like flying or dying, it's up to those three minutes, those lyrics, those instruments, that production, that cover, that great sound that comes from your speaker. I'm not kidding when I say that music saves lives. It does. It really does. It may not be as effective as medicines or surgeries, but its definitely a way of keeping yourself on the right track. If this is your way of living, you'll probably find a way of expressing yourself without any words being said. It's all in the song. It has always been in the song. Just stick that needle and let it flow. You have three minutes to save your life. You can be whoever you want to, whatever you want to. Enjoy as much as you can. These are the best three minutes of your life.

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