segunda-feira, fevereiro 29, 2016

in the midst of the night

in the midst of the night
I close my eyes
and I can feel your presence.

I know you were gone so long ago
I know there might be something above us
but I just can't help to shove
my own mind with
absent thoughts.

I wonder about what we could have been
If life wasn't so funny
so strange and
so mean.

"just keep on running", they say
just keep on doing
whatever you're doing
they beg

and I try
oh, god knows I try
with all my strenght and all my power
with all my soul and all my heart
but I can help myself from thinking
where have you been?
and what's beyond there?

Then we pray for the ancient gods
but we don't even believe in them.
we're just trying to find hope
in the loneliness of the night.

quarta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2016

A poesia é o último refúgio dos desesperados.


Jack Kerouac perdido e alcoólatra pelas ruas baixas de São Francisco
Neal Cassady dirigindo um ônibus sem direção ou sentido
Burroughs em Marrocos, fumando ópio
Ginsberg protestando em Nova York
A best generation perdurou
E pouco depois

Foi incrível
Enquanto durou.